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Speakers for 2024

Theme for 2024

“Delivering sustainable healthcare facilities fit for the future “

Call for papers now open!
Please send a proposal to [email protected] to join the 2025 speaker programme. 

Hannah Lewis-Jones

Hannah Lewis-Jones
Business Development Lead - Health | Mott MacDonald

Chairing the Seminar

Hannah is the Healthcare Business Development lead at Mott MacDonald with a passion for client care, collaborative working, diversity and equality. Hannah has worked across all areas of the Built Environment for the last 20 years working to provide solutions that meet all clients’ needs from short term temporary projects to long term strategic partnerships. Having moved into the Healthcare sector, she has a passion for working with estates teams to get the best possible long-term value & outcomes including digital, MMC & Net Zero to provide integrated solutions benefiting all stakeholders especially patients, staff and all users.
Dr Rachel S. Hampson

Dr Rachel S. Hampson
Head of FM Advisory Services | Archus Limited

'The Opportunities to Transform Through the PFI Handback Process'

The PFI Handback process represents an opportunity to transform clinical service delivery through to operational FM service delivery. The process will result in Health Boards and Trusts becoming data rich and the way in which that data is received, stored, managed and maintained will help realise continuous improvement objectives. From supporting procurement activities through to delivering decarbonisation of the estate from funding sources, the data asset that will transfer with the physical building is valuable to future performance.
Annette and Richard Pollock

Annette and Richard Pollock
Secretary of the Edinburgh Access Panel & Architect advisor on the Edinburgh Access Panel | Disability Equality Scotland

'The Hidden Resource, Scotland’s Access Panels'

This presentation will show the ways in which Scotland’s Access Panels can help to create and improve Inclusive design, advising designers, businesses, charities, local councils, product manufacturers and indeed anyone who consults us if we are able to help.
Rory McCoy

Rory McCoy
Associate | Hoskins Architects

'Parkhead Hub: Evolution of a Reference design to meet future demands'

The Parkhead Hub, an evolution of Hoskins Architects’ 2016 Reference Health design marks a significant increase in scale, environmental performance and a more integrated approach to health and social care.  It builds upon the core principles of; clear welcoming entrance; intuitive wayfinding; flexibility and space efficiency through standardisation; and space for partners.  Designed for fossil fuel-free operation, it anticipates future healthcare demands, ensuring adaptability and efficiency. The presentation details the inherent flexibility and environmental considerations embedded in the initial design, emphasizing constant testing throughout development to achieve a forward-thinking healthcare facility.
Daniel Lockwood

Daniel Lockwood
Regional Director – Sustainability Lead for Scotland, Northern Ireland & Ireland PPS | AtkinsRéalis

'Retrofit & Sustainability for Existing Estates'

This presentation will cover the considerations that should be made, throughout the project life-cycle, when retrofitting existing estates to reduce energy use and decarbonise.
This will include the role that data has to play in informed decision making, the hierarchy of interventions that could be considered, unlocking value in your retrofit investment, and also wider sustainability factors that should be considered.
The presentation will also include some project examples showcasing some of the approaches used in various sectors.
Dr Donald Macaskill

Dr Donald Macaskill
Chief Executive | Scottish Care

'The Changing Landscape of Care and Support in Scotland'

A brief introduction to the role of the independent care sector in Scotland including its current state and health including challenges and opportunities. An exploration of what the future might hold.
Alan Morrison

Alan Morrison
Deputy Director of Health Infrastructure and Investment | Scottish Government

'Capital Investment in Health – An Overview'

Alan will outline the planned investment in Health Services from the Scottish Government over the next five years as outlined in the Scottish Government’s Draft Infrastructure Plan published in September 2020. He will also outline the risks and challenges of managing the health estate and how infrastructure can support the delivery of clinical services.
Andrew Wholley

Andrew Wholley
Senior Associate - Net Zero Advisory | Mott MacDonald

'Decarbonisation Retrofit at Scale'

We will demonstrate the success of NHS Tayside, Lothian, Forth Valley, Borders and Lanarkshire in delivering decarbonisation projects at scale, with support from Scottish Government’ Green Public Sector Estates Decarbonisation Scheme (GPSEDS) and Non-Domestic Energy Efficiency Framework (NDEEF). We will provide an overview of our support to initial Pre-Capital assessments (identifying and prioritising interventions), successful Capital Grant applications and how the NDEEF has supported deliver multi building, multi-intervention projects; providing exemplar approaches to large scale decarbonisation retrofit. It will further highlight lessons learned, and the need for collaboration and additional financing to deliver on challenging decarbonisation targets.
Claire Colgan

Claire Colgan
Director | Turner & Townsend Consulting

'Whole System Healthcare Estate Planning'

The pressures on healthcare in the UK and the inadequacy of its buildings to meet demand now and into the future are all too apparent. Investment needs to be made on a vast scale, as evidenced by many outdated healthcare facilities across the UK. To establish a more sustainable footing in healthcare infrastructure, it’s imperative to adopt fresh, innovative approaches that address both current needs and future challenges across a whole system. Turner & Townsend is supporting NHS clients to develop whole system infrastructure investment plans. Based on this experience, we will set out 5 success factors to developing a whole system plan.